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updated on 09092021

01) Membership Requirements

Q: What do I need to do after I have submitted the application?

A: You will be notified to install Telegram App onto your mobile, and we will add you into our official Alumni Association Telegram Group where more informations will be announced/updated.

Q: What benefits do I get being a member of the Alumni Association?

A: You will be entitled to benefits which are only extended to Association members (refer to our collaboration partners webpage).

02) Official Membership Date

Q: When will my official membership start date be?

A: Membership start date will be the date of application submission.

03) Proof of Membership under Alumni Association

Q: Does the Alumni Association issue other forms of documents to indicate that I am a member of the Alumni Association?

A: Your official membership card will be issued during our monthly meeting, upon completed processing of your application.

Starting from the year 2019, only our membership card will be recognised as proof of membership to RPSAA. Please make sure you bring it along during registration and also when you want to enjoy discounts at our collaboration partners.

04) Phase 2A eligibility

As of 09 September 2021, MOE had announced the following amendment to phase 2A registration (

Combine current Phases 2A(1) and 2A(2) into a single Phase 2A

We will combine Phases 2A(1) and 2A(2) into a single Phase 2A. 

The increase in reserved places for Phase 2C will result in fewer places in earlier phases. If we continue to maintain the differentiation of priority between Phase 2A(1) and Phase 2A(2) registrants, we expect that several schools would end up with relatively few or even no places left for Phase 2A(2) registrants. 

A single Phase 2A ensures that all Phase 2A(2) registrants continue to have a chance to register under Phase 2A. This would also better achieve the objective of providing priority admission for MOE Kindergarten children, who are currently eligible for Phase 2A(2), to support their transition to P1.

Phase 2A(1) registrants will continue to be able to register under Phase 2A.



Q: When will I need to register my child for P1? He/she is born in 2017.

A: Please refer to the MOE website for more information.

05) Phase 2A registration

Q: What documents do I need to bring during the registration exercise?

A: On top of your membership card, please refer to MOE website for the required documents as they may change from time to time.



Q: When is the registration exercise?

A: Registration exercise is usually held in July. MOE will publish the dates on their website, and also publicly announce over the news.


If you have provided your child's birthdate during your membership application, we will also be sending an email to remind you of the date.

06) Membership  Fee Waiver

Q: How do I qualify/apply for membership fee wavier?

A: We are following the criteria under the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) as a reference for membership fee wavier.


Gross Household Income (GHI) not exceeding $3,000 per month or Per Capita Income (PCI) not exceeding $750 per month


Do write in to us seperately if you are eligible and we will be glad to waive off your application fee.

07) Application withdrawal

Q: I have submitted the application and paid the membership fee. However, due to various reasons, I would like to withdraw my application. Can I get a refund of the membership fee?

A: As of  7th February 2022, alumni association will no longer accept any request of withdrawal and refund of membership fees from registration. 

© 2024 by Rulang Primary School Alumni Association. UEN:S98SS0171E

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